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These Are Your Teachers?
The National Education Association recently concluded its annual meeting in
Los Angeles - and you might be surprised what the largest teachers' union in
America talked about and decided.
I mean, let's face it. The state of public education in American today is not
exactly state of the art. You might think falling test scores, higher drop-out
rates, and functional illiteracy of graduates - despite ever increasing taxpayer
commitments - would be causes for concern and debate at a forum like this.
You would be wrong. Here are some resolutions adopted by the representative
assembly of the professional association responsible for educating your kids:
To participate in a national boycott of Wal-Mart (Two resolutions);
To fight efforts to privatize Social Security (nine separate resolutions);
To add the words "other" and "multi-ethnic" in addition
to "unknown" in the category of ethnicity on all forms;
To commemorate the "historic merger of the National Education Association
and the American Teachers Association, which occurred in 1966";
To expose health problems associated with "fragrance chemicals";
(I assume this means perfumes. Another resolution called for designating areas
of NEA meetings as "fragrance-free zones.");
To fight indoor air pollution (two resolutions);
To make health care an organizational priority;
To expand efforts to elect pro-public education candidates to Congress in 2006;
To promote the designation of April as National Donate Month to promote organ
and tissue donation;
To push for a commemorative stamp honoring public education;
To push for more collective bargaining;
To study the feasibility of a boycott of Gallo wine (A separate resolution
banned the serving of Gallo wine at any NEA functions.);
To develop a strategic program to help NEA Republican members advance a pro-public
education agenda with the party;
To defend affirmative action and oppose the Michigan Civil Rights Amendment;
To oppose the annual observance of "Take Your Child to Work Day" during
the regular school year;
To oppose all forms of privatization;
To investigate the establishment of affordable housing programs for members;
To respond aggressively to any inappropriate use of the words "retarded" or "gay" in
the media;
To fight the "regressive taxation practices of the federal government";
To support education programs for prisoners and former prisoners;
To support research on women and heart disease;
To push for an "exit strategy to end the U.S. military occupation of Iraq";
To oppose the Central American Free Trade Agreement;
To push for debt cancellation in underdeveloped countries;
To teach children about the "significant history of labor unions";
To develop a comprehensive strategy of support for homosexuality;
To educate the public and members about identity theft;
To explore alternatives to using latex balloons and gloves at NEA functions.
That's a fair synopsis of the actions taken by the largest "education" association
in America - the only union and lobby group that is actually tax-exempt by
an act of Congress.
What is peculiar about this list? Well, nothing if you are familiar with this
thoroughly destructive organization. But, most people are not. Most Americans
probably still think the National Education Association has something to do
with education. It does not. It is a thoroughly politicized agit-prop group
with a radical agenda.
Of the nearly 70 resolutions acted upon affirmatively by the group, no more
than a half-dozen had anything remotely to do with classroom education.
The first 14 resolutions voted on had nothing whatsoever to do with education
in the traditional sense.
However, one NEA resolution adopted this year did perform a real service to
the public. It's the one requiring the organization to make its resolutions
more accessible to the public on its website. Check it out for yourself.
Do I exaggerate? Is it time to review this activist organization's tax-exempt
status? Is it time to start paying attention to the kind of indoctrination
to which its members submit your children?